Insectary Habitat
Focus :
EnvironmentalPartners :
Strong Foundation for Environmental Values, and the Quaker Oaks Farm Spring Service Learning CampProject Location :
Quaker Oaks Farm
Organic farmers are custodians of biodiversity at all levels. Traditional and heirloom plant seeds and breeds of livestock are preferred for their greater resistance to disease and their resilience to stress. A diverse combination of plants and animals optimize nutrient and energy cycling for agricultural production. As for the ecosystem, the maintenance of natural areas within and around organic fields and the absence of harmful chemicals, create suitable habitats for wildlife.
One goal of our vision for a diverse farm-scape is to create hedgerows and insectary strips using native plant species that will support diverse populations of insects and wildlife. With funding from the Strong Foundation for Environmental Values, we created two insectary habitat strips during our 2017 Spring Youth Service Camp. These insectary habitats will benefit our agricultural pursuits by attracting beneficial insects. The provision of structures and landscapes that provide food and shelter attract new or re-colonizing species to the organic area (both permanent and migratory), including wild flora and fauna such as birds, and organisms beneficial to the organic system such as pollinators and pest predators.