Tule Tract Habitat Restoration
Focus :
EnvironmentalPartners :
Kamansky’s Ecological Consulting, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Sequoia Riverlands TrustProject Location :
Quaker Oaks Farm

In the Central Valley, wetlands support aquatic life and are distinct ecosystems that provide critical habitat for a variety of wildlife. Wetlands provide primary ecosystem services such as water quality improvement, biodiversity support, and flood storage capacity. However, due to the lack of reliable waterflow over 90% of California’s Central Valley wetlands, including the Kaweah/Tule Watershed, have disappeared resulting in large-scale declines in the ecosystem services. We have an opportunity to make a positive environmental impact in the Valley and feel it is imperative that we protect the Tule Tract.
Quaker Oaks Farm is excited to initiate habitat restoration on the Tule tract. In 2016, we began a project to re-habilitate and protect 9.5 acres of mixed Riparian woodlands and wetland marsh named the Tule tract. This project protects and improves critical wildlife habitat and will also provide hydrological connectivity between adjacent wetlands. This restoration will generate multiple benefits for migratory waterfowl, raptors, songbirds, amphibians, small mammals, and transient species in the area, while providing environmental and cultural learning opportunities regarding traditional ecological knowledge. Positioned on the valley floor in the Kaweah Delta of California, where functional wildlife habitat is decreasing due to urban development and large agricultural land holdings, the restoration project will provide critical habitat connectivity for local and migratory wildlife species. The project will also provide educational opportunities for community members to learn about Conservation Strategies, and Cultural Resources.